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About Us

The Montana Wood Products Association was founded in 1972 and has served as a major voice for the wood products industry while actively engaging in timber, logging, log hauling, and wood products manufacturing issues, and with state and federal government agencies. MWPA is governed by the executive committee and a  Board of Directors.


The Montana Wood Products Association’s membership includes a diverse group of companies and individuals involved in all facets of Montana’s wood products industry. This includes sawmills in the business of producing dimensional lumber, fingerjoint studs, plywood, particle board, MDF, house logs, posts and poles, fence posts, as well as timberland owners and managers. They produce value-added products through manufacturing and provide over 7,500 direct jobs and $320 million in labor income for Montana families. Montana’s timber community professionals work daily using 21st century technology to log and mill trees – the renewable resource.

Associate members are those companies or individuals who supply products or services to members or whose businesses are partially or totally dependent on the wood products industry.

Our lobbying and governmental affairs activities are geared toward supporting a positive business climate for the forest products industry and its suppliers, while our communications efforts focus on explaining to the public the positive contributions the forest products industry makes to Montana’s economy and environment.  We work in partnership with state and federal agencies to ensure a sustainable and reliable supply of timber for our mills.

The Montana Wood Products Association’s goals remain the same as they did 47 years ago: “To promote healthy forests and healthy communities through management of Montana forests.”

The Montana Wood Products Association is a voluntary nonprofit association whose purpose is to:

  • Promote long-term management of Montana’s forests.

  • Furnish opportunities for open discussion and lawful interchange of information concerning all facets of the wood products industry.

  • Accumulate and disseminate information regarding the wood products industry in order to foster the best interests of the industry and the public.

Association policies are set by a Board of Directors that includes member companies and associate member company representatives. There are three standing committees (Legislative, Resource, and Finance) to represent the industry in specific activities on an ongoing basis. Professional staff are responsible for implementation of the goals and policies adopted by the Board of Directors. MWPA maintains an office at 3100 S Russell Street, Suite 102, Missoula, MT  59801 or PO Box 1967, Missoula, MT  59806.



As a member of the Montana Wood Products Association, you acquire industry, governmental, and public relations representation day-to-day as well as year-round. MWPA, through professional staff and supported by committee activities, works diligently on your behalf. You have access to:

  • Registered lobbyist

  • A media spokesperson

  • Representation before interim legislative committees

  • Legislative reporting

  • Action alerts regarding industry legislation

  • Rules monitoring proposed state agency actions

  • A proactive communications program

  • Periodic newsletters and other mailings of industry interest

  • Educational materials

  • Annual convention and other meeting opportunities

MWPA solicits your support so that you can assist with saving and promoting the wood products industry in Montana. Strength in membership enables the Association to do a better job of representing industry interests. All members receive a listing in our Directory published annually and recognition at our annual convention.

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